美白皮肤穀胱甘肽用太多會怎樣? 穀胱甘肽功效是什麼? 你也在補充穀胱甘肽嗎? (glutathione skin whitening | 美白皮肤 | 生化 | 生物化學 )


美白皮膚產品兼抗氧化劑穀胱甘肽吃太多會怎樣? 穀胱甘肽/谷胱甘肽是什麼?
抗氧化劑穀胱甘肽也不是隨意補充即可,需要由酵素glutathione peroxidase和glutathione reductase調控它的作用與再生
另有輔酶NADPH和FADH以及pentose phosphate patheway參與與整個反應

What happens if you eat too much of glutathione, which is one of antioxidants?
By the way, have you ever heard of glutathione?
Many researchers who know glutathione don’t know that its Chinese name is 穀胱甘肽
Glutathioneit is of course useful as an antioxidant, but it is almost useless as a glutathione skin whitening product.
The glutathione you replenished by eating it directly is useless, because it has been digested.
To supplement glutathione, you should supplement is amino acids.
The function and regeneration of antioxidant glutathione are needed to be regulated by the enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase
Some coenzyme like NADPH and FADH are involved in its reaction in pentose phosphate pathway

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Scheming Weasel (faster version) by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4326-scheming-weasel-faster-version
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

#未知肉球 #美白 #抗氧化 #穀胱甘肽 #美容 #glutathione #生物化學 #醫學 #健康

